I’ve played a lot of games.

World of Warcraft Classic 2019
Server 1st Ragnaros / US 6th

I anticipated the release of official Classic servers for eight years; so when it came out, I went all in.

No, really. I quit my job and played 120 hours straight on launch with barely any sleep, and achieved the first major goal seen above. I continued on…

WoW Classic, Continued

Passionately dedicating myself full-time to my guild, I was promoted to Mage Class Leader to co-lead the 60+ person guild with countless responsibilities, meetings, optimization spreadsheets, etc.

There were hardships, alliances, betrayals, grand achievements, faction conflicts, memes…

I made videos, I streamed, I played multiple characters simultaneously…

I loved it.

My guild rewarded me with the legendary staff Atiesh — a childhood-dream-come-true.

But I failed in my streamer/content-creator idea, mostly from self-doubt and ultimately a good thing. I continued to play on-and-off for the next couple years, getting back into the real world.

Early Gaming Life

Thanks to my father and uncle introducing me to computer games at five years old, I got permanently hooked on that crack. I enjoyed, I achieved, I dreamed.

Started with Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games Warcraft 2, Starcraft and Age of Empires, some other games like Dynasty Warriors and far too many to count. I was hooked into World of Warcraft when it launched in 2004, but I also played every type of game out there. Competed in Halo Wars, Halo 3, Gears of War 2, Counter Strike and more.

Here’s a running-list of the games and platforms I’ve played.

I could type ad nauseam

Maybe I’ll add more later.

I used to be very joyful and proud about my gaming life. But I was also frequently depressed. Ultimately I discovered that it had developed into a real addiction that kept me from achieving more fulfilling things. I lived a vicious love-hate cycle all the way until 29 in 2024.

I don’t need to boast my achievements or my joyful memories — no one really cares, actually — and it was my inner-child yearning to be seen, heard, held and to creatively express.

Dreamed up a lot of games, apps, mods & concepts.

Here’s a VERY short list of some game ideas I’ve had (which has been multiplying since I last updated this years ago).

Created a few things over the years, but I’m not very proud.

Here’s a short list of the few things I’ve made, paling by comparison to the ideas I had.

Moving beyond the past now.

After working through imposter syndrome and a number of other internal issues, I’m not taking myself so seriously anymore, moving forward playfully 🙂

Getting into game development and the web3 world.

But not my highest priority at the moment. It would be if I had the team and funding. I’ll post about my progress on github, itch, twitters and youtube.